

the source code of our being, the seed of our Souls, the root of our paths.

What does it really mean? Why does it matter? And what does it take?

Uniqueness surrounds us. It is ingrained in life itself – you find it in the leaves and roots of a tree, in the songs and feathers of birds, in the shapes and movements of clouds. It is in the strangers you meet and in the people you love. And because you are able to see it in others, you can be certain that it lives in you as well.

I define “uniqueness” as:

authentic expression of and alignment with your original Soul essence.


What I mean by that is being in tune with YOU as your higher self, Soul, Truth…whatever you want to call that most essential, fundamental sparkle of light within you.

I am talking about the light – Light, actually - that can never be extinguished. It shines across dimensions, lifetimes, and spaces. It sparkles in your brightest smiles and underlines your darkest shadows. It is your pure, infinite, eternal gift that keeps on giving. It is the Holy Grail within; the one current that never runs dry; the one chalice that can never be empty. Whatever is given from that chalice, is given in grace, given from the Soul.

When you are living in the Light of your innate uniqueness, your experience of existence changes: you start shining, radiating, beaming. Each and every particle of your being switches on and releases the original unique encoding of your Soul, allowing it to be fully expressed in your current human form. When you are being a full-on “yes” to this illumination, you become the walking embodiment of your Light - your deepest truth made visible, your core essence made manifest.

If this is not divinity incarnate, then I don’t know what is.

To me, this – being an authentic living breathing expression of the deepest truth and the purest essence of who you really are – is the whole point of being alive.

This is about becoming a divine human, merging the mundane and the magical, bringing your Soul’s uniqueness into a lived embodied earthly experience.

This path of embracing our Soul’s essence seems to be the most beautiful paradox of life. Uniqueness is the most natural thing in the world, because it is at the core of all creation, starting with our DNA. And for exactly that same reason it can also be the most challenging thing in the world, because revealing our core exposes us. It makes us visible, and it also makes us vulnerable.

Because of this paradox, uniqueness is something we both crave and resist, desire and push away.

How come?

As someone with a lifelong history of never fitting in, I think about uniqueness a lot. I notice three main reasons why fully accepting and allowing our uniqueness can be so hard – and so important in our world. And basing on these three reasons, I suggest three corresponding steps we can take to start aligning with our uniqueness and living our truth.

First reason: we are not raised to be unique, we are raised to survive and fit in.


Our upbringing and education, as well as our social, cultural and economic conditioning don’t support our self-exploration and self-expression – they support security and conformism. Most of us have never been taught how to listen to ourselves, never been given space to discover who we really are, never been encouraged to trust our inner voice.

Instead, we are being indoctrinated from childhood – by capitalism, patriarchy, “survival of the fittest” game. There is simply no time and space to get in touch with who we are, as various ideologies and paradigms are bombarding us with input. Everywhere – from business to private life – we are given “proven” techniques for success. But following these scripts, be that in business or in life, is like going to a supermarket to buy a ready-made meal, warm it up in a microwave, and then complain that it tastes bad. Of course it does – as do any second-hand knowledge, fabricated truth, and inauthentic wisdom.

In many cases, we just don’t know any better – we replicate the examples that were handed down to us. We follow the paths that seem safe and secure. We do what we are supposed to do, and play by the rules that we learned early on, simply doing our best to stay in the game at all.

Some rebel, but most resign.

It is being said that being ordinary is easy, but I beg to differ.

Being ordinary is, in my view, very exhausting. It is a drag for the Soul to hide its true shining. It is a burden for the Heart to comply and conform. It is a drain on your energy to waste your life away in situations that aren’t anywhere near your true path.

For thousands of years, obedience, linear life tracks, and reliance on authority have been humanity’s dominant paradigm of doing life. We simply didn’t know any better. We had to comply in order to survive. And the brutal truth is: most of us on this planet still have to comply, not having the privilege (aka: monetary resources) to pursue a different path. But for those of us who are lucky enough to enjoy the privilege, a whole spectrum of alternative paths is readily available.

We live in the times of unparalleled rise of entrepreneurial mentality, personal creativity, and non-linear, conscious leadership. We have the capacity and the tools to start thinking for ourselves, redefine the status quo, and build authentic Soul-guided lives without risking our survival. We ARE indeed living in the age of possibility.

So, the step to take here is: RECLAIM who you really are.

Reclaiming your uniqueness is the act of ultimate homecoming, and it is not a once-off action. It is work – possibly the hardest work you will ever have to do.

It all starts with the realization that uniqueness is not something you DO – it is coming from who you ARE. It is already there – it wants to be known, seen, lived.

As much you are craving to know your Soul, your Soul is craving to know you.

There is a gravitational pull between the two – your human self and your true essence. The key here to start taking steps – big and small, strategic and spontaneous, “right” and “wrong” (if you have to label at all).

No matter the pace or the messiness of it, reclamation entails movement. And the very fact of that movement is rearranging your whole reality, thus exposing you to the exploration of your essence.

If you are considering this path of reclamation, let me warn you about the consequences in advance, so you can make an informed decision – because while everyone is hungry for uniqueness, very few are willing to do the actual work.

Uniqueness is not always a glorious pursuit. Sometimes, it is you against the world, or even weirder – you against yourself. You will face fears. You will face external and internal resistance. You will face doubt. Perhaps, you will also face prejudice, persecution and ridicule. In a society that is mostly fake, a unique and authentic person is seen as a threat to the status quo.

Can you handle the pressure, the insecurity, the loneliness? Are you willing to work hard on developing new qualities, such as self-trust and patience? Are you ready to dance with the unknown and release attachment to the outcome? Are you up for the best endurance training there is – that is, pursuing your Soul’s true path?

If you are a “yes” to all this, read on!

Here are some suggestions for getting started.

You are a precious gift wrapped in extensive multilayered packaging. Unpacking yourself can be arduous yet most rewarding labor. Layer by layer, you have to let go of anything that is NOT your truth. When you let go of everything inauthentic, you make space for “the real deal” you to shine. It is already there – and has always been, waiting for you to show up and start digging.

This is the work of deconstruction.

You have to literally de-construct your reality, brick by brick. You have to engage in the inner work of uncovering, and then removing, everything that is not the real you. This includes (but is not limited to) false identities, fake personas, social masks, inauthentic desires and behaviors, people pleasing tendencies, ego projections, other people’s agendas, second-hand knowledge, unaligned life scenarios, etc.

This is the work of discernment.

You have to cultivate the ability to look at life through the eyes of the Heart, with the awareness of the Soul. That means, looking for what is true in each situation, at any given moment – not what is convenient or safe, not what pleases others or keeps you secure. What is TRUE – aligned with the calling of your Soul, which you begin to listen to more and more. Remember, the Soul and its uniqueness are already there – that is the only thing that’s guaranteed on this journey. And your Soul wants to help you find it. It is talking to you through your Heart. It is sending you nudges and whispers. Its voice is very subtle at first – but it will grow stronger the more you start listening.

Start asking yourself uncomfortable questions, like:

Who am I really? What do I truly want? Why am I here? Who am I in my truth?

Examine everything you believe in, everything you have relied on so far.

Does it still hold true? Does it still serve you?

Allow yourself to re-evaluate everything, and try out new things.

Go on a quest. Remember your childhood dreams. Explore. Play. Make space.

And by the way, it is okay to want and get some help at this stage. In fact, it is rather advisable – having someone ask you those tough questions, hold space, and energetically support your self-discovery frees up your attention for the exploration itself. This is the work I do, and you are welcome to explore my offerings here>>

Yes, all of this can be very, very scary.

But isn’t a life worth living a scary endeavor per se?

It involves daring, redefinition of what is possible, and willingness to risk everything and go against the grain. It also requires immense patience and self-trust. That undying, undeniable faith in the force of life, which is powerfully and purposefully propelling you forward. That ability to say “yes” to yourself and your calling, over and over again…not knowing all the steps ahead, not having a plan for how it will turn out.

This is risk. This is courage. This, to me, is leadership.

When you are well on your way towards reclaiming your uniqueness, the second hurdle arises. Let’s look at it now.

Second reason: we are afraid of being really, truly seen.

If you thought reclaiming uniqueness was hard work, welcome to owning it! Now, this is where things get really interesting. Once the initial high of connecting with your true self wears off, and reality kicks in, you discover that while being unique is absolutely natural and so much fun, it is also immensely scary at times.

Enter: the fear of being truly seen.

This fear is deeper than it seems. It goes all the way back to the Soul-level and genetic level memories of being judged, abandoned, persecuted, tortured, abused, killed, and otherwise hurt or even annihilated for showing up in your true self.

In this lifetime, have you ever been punished for being who you are, and somehow ridiculed in your self-expression? Have you ever been judged, looked down on, discriminated against on the grounds of your core identity? Did you encounter resistance to your most heartfelt ideas? Were you ever denied approval, attention and love when you displayed essential aspects of yourself?

I bet you can relate to some of it, if not all.

Let that sink in for a moment.

The moments when you were the closest to your core essence were also the moments when you suffered the most.

However, there were also other moments.

The moments when you were as close to your core essence as in the example above…but those where the moments when you felt most alive, authentically happy, unconditionally fulfilled.

Both categories of moments – the painful ones and the joyful ones – were moments of truth. Your truth.

So here’s the thing.

Being seen in your uniqueness is a risk.

But being NOT seen is an even greater risk – it is the risk of never truly living. It is the risk of merely existing, surviving, feeling lukewarm about life but never actually diving into it. Is this what you want? And…what DO you want for yourself, truly?

Being who you are WILL have consequences.

There will be losses, and there will be rewards. And the greatest reward is the sense of deep peace that comes from knowing that you have done the right thing, stayed true to yourself, and honored your highest values. But this goes way beyond a “pro and contra” table. This is about your aliveness, about the core of your being.

And if you choose to embrace life – the life that is uniquely yours – here are some thoughts on how to heal the fears associated with it.

The step to take here is: OWN your uniqueness.

Reclamation brings back the missing pieces and unveils the hidden truths – now, owning them plugs you back into your power and fuels your path.

Owning your uniqueness means: standing fully behind who you are, what you believe in, and what your vision is.

It means refusing to be corruptible when it comes to your values, and not apologizing for your essence.

It requires a non-negotiable full-scale commitment to yourself, absolute loyalty to your Soul, devotion to your path, and courage when it comes to pursuing it. Plus, a ton of self-compassion and self-love in the process.

How to get to the place of owning your uniqueness?

The answer is simple: through practicing it.

There is no shortcut, no silver bullet. The very point of owning your truth and power is that owning is the natural consequence of living it. Here, you are invited to go deeper with yourself, and start spending more and more time in your “uniqueness zone” – doing what feeds your Soul and nourishes your Heart, surrounding yourself with people who see the real you, pursuing forgotten dreams, expressing your creativity, being close to yourself and to life.

The only thing to do here is go hang out with your Soul. Make time and space for yourself to grow into your uniqueness. Start making important decisions from that place of truth within. Align everything you do with your values. Get comfortable with being you. Retrain yourself to rely on Soul guidance, not on your intellect. Once living from uniqueness and operating from your Soul truth become your new normal, the ownership state kicks in. You are BEING a full-on “yes” to it.

Can you see the beauty of it? Through each and every challenge, you become stronger. With each and every Soul-guided step, you deepen your self-knowledge. With each and every tear and drop of sweat induced by following your path, you gain resilience. You start to not only recognize your uniqueness – you begin to embody it.

And this is when the tides change. Embodied, not just mentally understood, uniqueness – the one that is resonating deeply all the way down to your bones – is a force to be reckoned with.

This is “the real deal”. Can’t be faked. Can’t be copied. Can’t be tamed.

That’s why it sets you free.

But before I send you off on your merry unique way, there’s one more hurdle to address.

Third reason: we confuse uniqueness with being special.


We find uniqueness troublesome when we don’t have a reference point or a full understanding of what uniqueness really is. Our world has been confusing specialness with uniqueness, and the lines between the two have been blurred. Let’s set the score straight.

The desire to be “special” is powered by the fearful self – the one that always wants to compare, and be better than others. Underneath this desire for specialness is actually a deep-rooted feeling of being not good enough, the fear of not being loved - hence the craving for being approved, put on a pedestal, liked. Where authentic self-love and self-appreciation are missing, there is always either fake modesty or narcissistic delusion – both powered by a very natural, but in this case, misguided, desire for love.

While our egos are busy creating specialness, we miss out on being unique – and thus, we miss out on being truly fulfilled.

The world is full of specialness but desperately needs uniqueness.

Specialness is often accompanied by comparison, jealousy and envy. In specialness, there’s always only one winner: I make myself special through making you less than me. Uniqueness is powered by love and brings truth, peace and joy with it. In uniqueness, there is no need to compete, because there is no prize.

And everyone wins, because YOU yourself are the prize.

In the world of instant gratification, social media and selfie culture, almost everyone wants to be an “influencer”, popular and liked. But is popularity and likeability synonymous with uniqueness? I believe not.

Pure uniqueness doesn’t have anything to prove. It also doesn’t have anything to hide or defend. It just is. It shines because it cannot not shine – for Light is at its core. And it will keep on shining, even when nobody is watching, and even in places and spaces where there is nothing to gain.

What are we to do with this specialness obsession?

The step to take here is: EXPRESS your uniqueness without seeking to impress.


Uniqueness can be seen, and it can certainly be felt. In the presence of someone trying to be special, you feel threatened. That’s the impact that one ego has on another: they ignite the fight or flight response, and no true connection can happen.

In contrast, in the presence of a unique Soul expression, you feel seen and uplifted. Someone else’s unique self-expression doesn’t threaten - it inspires and invites your own.

Expressing uniqueness – from a pre-existing foundation of fully owning it – is all about deciding to share yourself generously with the world.

It requires a great deal of self-respect, that is: honoring your Soul’s Light.

When this respect is in place, you recognize, without any self-aggrandizement, what a gift you are. You start seeing the beauty and the goodness in yourself, and sharing it becomes the most obvious thing to do. You are sharing it as an act of giving, no strings attached. You don’t care whether it will be well received or not, you aren’t doing it for praise or recognition. You are doing it because it’s your thing to do in this world: BE yourself.

And through doing it, you are saying a sacred “yes” to yourself, to life, to all existence.

Isn’t this the most important “yes” that you will ever say?

Image by Matthew Henry on Unsplash.com