A self-study course for spiritual entrepreneurs and paradigm shifters who desire to co-create with God, channel offerings from the Soul Realm, and run their businesses as Vessels for Something Greater
Hey rising leader!
Have you noticed that your purpose-driven business is an energy vortex in its own right?
Not only is it a vehicle for your Mission - it is also a space and a playground that is open 24/7 on the Inner Planes (aka the quantum field), where it is in constant interaction with your Soul, God’s will, potential clients, and a variety of other factors.
Your business is not “normal” - the subtle, energetic, quantum laws that govern the mechanics of spiritual businesses are drastically different from everything they teach you in fancy “6 figures in 6 days” online courses and high ticket masterminds. Linear, success-driven, money-oriented, lifestyle-powered paradigms cannot capture the true nature of what Soul-guided entrepreneurs are destined to accomplish - or how they are designed to go about it.
I have developed a methodology that empowers you to leverage the intangible nature of spiritual business, merges strategy and Soul, and plugs your business back into Soul and God.
Welcome to Soul Business Energetics.
It is time to get ALIGNED.
ALIGNED is for you if you relate to some or most of the following:
you crave more devotion, integrity, power and truth in your leadership
you desire to experience consistent Soul connection, support and inspiration in your business
you are tired of overthinking your business and desire to operate from Divine guidance, in flow
surface-level strategies bore you, and you know that there is a better way
you are doing okay in your business, but sense that so much more is possible (if only you knew how to tap into it!)
you have been feeling disconnected from your business and are unsure why something feels “off”
you are going through a death and rebirth cycle or a Void, and need clarity on what is next
you want more depth in your client work and are ready to work with more advanced people, yet don’t know how to call them in
you have a gazillion of ideas and often feel pulled in too many directions, and need to figure out what is truly yours to do
you have evolved spiritually and want to align your business with your truest Soul Essence and Mission
ALIGNED is designed to help you stop overthinking your business, and start actually leading it - devotionally, intentionally, in Truth.
This program is a training in Soul Business Energetics - my signature methodology born out of my 13+ years of experience in both transformational work and spiritual business.
This methodology combines devotion-driven business philosophy, quantum work, energy healing, strategy, and leadership development into a clear system that maps the inner 5D architecture of your business and gives you tools for running it as a vehicle for your Soul Mission 24/7.
What you receive inside ALIGNED:
Discover the principles of Soul Business Energetics and understand how to connect your business with your Soul and God, and set it up for sustainable, intentional success on the Inner Planes.
Receive energy attunement and calibration to create more coherence on all levels, for lasting transformation in your leadership and business. Bonus: a library of energy work practices!
The 4 modules of this course were taught live in 2024, and feature practical advice on a variety of real business questions that were asked during the live round, with practical tips relevant for everyone.
Themes that we will cover include:
The invisible yet critically important energetic architecture of your business
Restoration of the organic design of your business as a vehicle for God’s work
The relationship between your business and your Soul: infusing your true essence into everything that you do
Reconnection with your real motivation for being in business, your “endgame” and bigger why
Clarifying what is yours to do and what is not: how to discern between intuition and overthinking
The crucial difference between creating out of obligation vs from guidance
Navigating business pivots, initiations, and the Void
The role of strategy in a Soul-guided business
…. and so much more
ALIGNED is a self-study course with 4 modules (appr. 90 min each) plus bonus energy work resources.
You will have longterm access via Podia, the learning platform, and will receive a welcome email with course access information upon signing up.
The investment is 444 euro.
Once you purchase the program, no refunds will be offered - please invest responsibly.
About Violetta
An established spiritual business and leadership mentor and transformational trainer with 13+ years of experience in the industry (plus a PhD). Mystic, Oracle, and Priestess.
A mentor who sees your templates and coding, recognizes your essence, honors your unique big vision, illuminates your blind spots, taps into deeper layers of your energy, calibrates your frequency, and gives you game-changing guidance that is as practical as it is spiritual.
A psychic advisor who gets what it means to be highly sensitive (and neurodivergent), and can offer you high-level coaching, non-linear energy work, spiritual business strategy, plus intuitive perspectives that tap right into the undercurrent of your Soul, to help you actualize your highest Destiny.
My work is for: Rising leaders who are here for Something Greater. Visionary spiritual entrepreneurs. Blueprint changers on a mission. Modern mystics craving depth, divinity, and devotion. Sophisticated seekers looking to fine-tune their embodiment. Paradigm shifters who are ready to go ALL IN.
Love from course participants
“ALIGNED was the immersive experience I didn't know I needed! I felt so seen and supported as a mystical woman and leader. Violetta's ability to see beyond the seen and tap into the truth is extraordinary. By simply listening to her God-led transmissions, I felt my cells recoding and mindset shifting so that I am aligned in my business.
I feel more confident to rebuild my business from this place of alignment.
Thank you, Violetta, for restoring my faith in mentorship and in this industry!”
Casandra, USA
“ALIGNED came at a perfect moment, when I was shown the level of rooms God is preparing me to walk into now. I love how Violetta brought new insights and energy codes, which allowed me to be clearer. It narrowed my focus on what is the most important now. In addition to trusting God’s Vision for the work I meant to steward, I can walk with conviction because I understand the process of realignment consciously.
And now, I can intentionally facilitate it if I feel that I’m off the track, getting distracted or resisting the movement and the momentum.”
Anna, Switzerland
“ALIGNED is part mystery, part choice and Violetta is so precisely and deliciously gifted to make all this very tangible. She brings the core essence fundamentals forward in actionable ways and incarnates a depth that I absolutely love.
A great combo of beautiful material with an execution from someone that walks her talk.”
Ioanna, Portugal
Everything exists as frequency, including your business.
Your business is the mirror of who you are being. Who you are being is always felt, even when it is not directly named.
The question is: Does the outer representation of your work match its real God-given purpose? And does it adequately reflect the true energetic signature of you as its vessel?
E.g. if you are a powerful Elder who is meant to ignite fellow leaders, and you are trying to put your work into a box and make it more appealing for beginners… there is a huge frequency mismatch, a fracture in the quantum field right there.
To turn your business into a clear reflection of your essence, you need to dissolve all distortions that are obscuring the purity of your frequency.
Stop covering up, minimizing, altering and tailoring who you are. Get the energetic signature of your business to match the true flavor of your Soul essence. Let the Inner and the Outer become congruent. This will naturally begin to even out the frictions in the field, create flow, and get you aligned.
What people are saying…
“As with all of your containers Violetta, Conviction has impacted me deeply, on multiple levels.”
I feel more fortified at the core of my being. It has helped to shift my self-identity, and strengthen my connection to my Soul. This helps me release my attachment to playing small. I now have a stronger spine, a more courageous heart, and a practical pathway for taking consistent action, that better reflects my true essence and potential.
Delphine, Ireland (CONVICTION)
“Vi, it was the most powerful transmission I've had in a very long time..”
I’m still little bit outspaced after the Recode. I experienced a beautiful light upgrade and felt a shift in allowing myself more abundance, peace, joy and ease. I saw literally the sun rising and golden sand emerging on the inner planes. It felt like the arrival of something new although I haven't got many clues about what it will be. Thanks for holding space and supporting me in anchoring deeply relevant seeds into my awareness and being!
Annika, Austria (RECODE)
“She is truly one of the most skilled facilitators and teachers I’ve ever had the pleasure of learning from..
..(and I’ve had many as a PhD-trained clinical psychologist with a lifelong desire to grow and evolve in the spiritual and business arts). Her groups are full of deep, wise, loving, brilliant business women and their musings and contributions amplify the power of the experience even more.
Jennie, Canada (CONVICTION)
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes - all levels of experience are welcome in ALIGNED. If you are new to business, this program will help you set your business up in a congruent way from the get-go, and will equip you with tools to stay on your highest path.
The truth: you need to put in the hours to see results. To benefit from ALIGNED to the maximum, set aside not only the time for watching the modules (4 videos appr. 90 min each) but also some hours for implementation and energy work. You can binge the course in a weekend, or go slow - your choice!
This is a self-study course, so it does not include 1:1 support. There is a VIP upgrade available to purchase if you desire 1:1 mentorship and want my eyes on your business. Please email me to book.
There are no refunds for this offering - please invest from a place of being grounded in sovereign discernment.
Absolutely! Experience of past participants shows that programs are equally impactful in replay/self-study. The way I teach is multidimensional. It exists beyond space and time. You will receive exactly what you need while going at your own pace.
No, this is the only live round of ALIGNED. It will become a self-study course afterwards.
Love from past clients
“I just love being in Violetta’s containers - she’s smart, witty, kind yet very direct. I always get excited to come live to her teachings because she has a great way of engaging with the group and creating a deep, yet nourishing space. I ALWAYS left every single one of these calls incredibly inspired and surging with energy. I would shut my laptop, giddy and off to create, as if I just chugged a red bull!”
Danica, Canada
“In the past weeks I have learnt to be closer to myself than ever. Violetta makes it so easy to understand the frameworks of alignment, sovereignty and harmony. The exercises are very helpful and the course is built up in such a way that it fitted my needs during the whole process. It was like magic :) The ‘work’ never seemed like work and yet so much has been done.”
Priscilla, Netherlands
“I really enjoyed the program, I think it is very valuable as it helped me to connect to my business in different ways and also to connect to myself and what I really want. The exercises also helped a lot to discover more about me. I think the classes were very profound and Violetta is a very wise soul with so many skills to teach leadership into our soul business, she wants you to make the difference and find the uniqueness for you and your business. I have learned a lot!”
Jessica, Peru